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Growing Community: Garden Home and West Slope Community Libraries

Growing Community: Garden Home & West Slope Libraries

Beginning in the summer of 2025, the Garden Home Community Library Association will become the owner and operator of the West Slope Library facility, supporting West Slope’s ongoing service to the community in Raleigh Hills and West Slope. WCCLS is excited about this opportunity to deepen the existing partnership between West Slope and Garden Home, two similarly sized libraries serving neighboring communities. This project is called Growing Community, because together, we are strengthening library service in the West Slope, Raleigh Hills, and Garden Home communities.

The West Slope Library will continue to operate in the existing building on the grounds of Raleigh Park Elementary School. Neighborhood residents will benefit from a community-based organization managing the West Slope Library, and from more efficient operations that come from one agency operating two library buildings. Garden Home leadership has a spirit of inclusive community service, and they will be thoughtful stewards of the neighborhood treasure that is the West Slope Library. Garden Home Library director Molly Carlisle says, “Our board and staff are excited about this opportunity to maintain both Garden Home and West Slope libraries as vibrant and vital community hubs, and working together to serve our neighbors in West Slope, Garden Home, and Raleigh Hills.”

In partnership with Garden Home Community Library, WCCLS is working on a project timeline and transitional details, with the work to be completed by summer 2025. We are working to minimize service impacts at West Slope Library during this time, and this is a complex project. Expect regular updates about the project on this page and included in the monthly email newsletters for the Garden Home Library. If you’re not already subscribed to that newsletter, you can sign up here: Garden Home newsletter.

If you have questions about the Growing Community project, please email the team at


Exterior of West Slope Library

West Slope Library is operated directly by Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS). It is the only library in the county that is not operated by a city or non-profit organization. 

The Board of County Commissioners (Board) appreciates the vital role that libraries play in our communities, and the Board is committed to the continued success of our library system in Washington County. Like many public agencies in Oregon, Washington County continues to experience increasing community need, and the cost of delivering services to the community outpaces the revenue available. Under the Board’s leadership, Washington County sought to ensure that library operations are led by partner cities or non-profit agencies; WCCLS explored an alternate model for operating West Slope Library with the goal of keeping this location open and continuing to serve the community.

As West Slope Library’s closest collaborators and neighbors in library service delivery, Garden Home Community Library wanted to find a way to deepen the existing partnership with West Slope Library by incorporating it into their non-profit agency, Garden Home Community Library Association (GHCLA). This would align West Slope Library with the operational model for public library services in urban unincorporated areas of Washington County, where the libraries are operated by non-profit organizations. 

Exterior of Garden Home Library

Study Completed

WCCLS engaged a consulting firm, Library Strategies, to create a recommendation and transition plan for merging West Slope Library into the GHCLA non-profit. The Board reviewed the transition plan this summer; both the Board of Commissioners and the GHCLA Board decided to move forward. The study recommends an increased funding allocation to GHCLA from WCCLS for GHCLA to operate the West Slope Library.

Find the final recommendation here.


    Temporary Closure of West Slope Library

    To support the transition, West Slope Library will temporarily close on June 12, 2025, and reopen under the ownership of the Garden Home Community Library Association on August 1, 2025. We are working to minimize service impacts at West Slope Library throughout this complex project, but a temporary closure is required to support tasks essential for a successful transition of ownership.

    Where you can access library services during the closure

    Checking out and returning library items: To check out and return library materials, please visit one of the 15 other WCCLS member libraries.

    Holds pick-up: Holds pick-up at West Slope Library will be suspended during the temporary closure period and will resume when the library reopens on August 1. During the closure period, you can choose to have your holds sent to one of the other WCCLS member libraries by selecting your pick-up location when placing a hold online.

    Computer access, wi-fi, and printing: All WCCLS member libraries offer public computer access, free wi-fi, and printing services. View library locations and hours.

    Programs and events: All WCCLS libraries host free programs and events based on local interest. For a list of upcoming events and locations, please check out the Events Calendar.

    Summer Reading Program: Garden Home and West Slope Community Libraries will host a joint Summer Reading Program this summer. Summer reading sign-ups begin June 1 at both locations. To participate in summer reading after the West Slope Library closure on June 12, please visit the Garden Home Community Library or look for the WCCLS outreach in the West Slope Library parking lot – a more detailed outreach calendar will be posted in April.


    Board of County Commissioners materials

    Updated: March 3, 2024