When you sign up for a library card, you can decide how you would like to receive the following reminders about your library account:
- Holds notices: Sent when items become available for you to check out.
- Due date reminders: Three days before your item’s due date, our system will try to automatically renew it. You will receive an email or text notice letting you know which items were renewed and which items are still almost due. Most items can be renewed up to 4 times.
- Overdue reminders: Sent after items become overdue to help you avoid large fines.
Reminder options:
- Email
(email reminders will come from an email address like LibraryNotices@wccls.org, or [yourlibraryname]-LibraryNotices@wccls.org - please add these as safe senders to your account) - Phone recording
You can change your preference any time:
- Log into the Alternate Catalog
- Click on Contact Information and Preferences
Under Preferences, select your preference
- If you select Email Address, select Full HTML format
- Click Submit Change Request
If you have questions about your library account, please contact your library.