Your Items Will Now Be Automatically Renewed
Your Items Will Now Be Automatically Renewed
Starting August 17, library materials checked out on your account will attempt to renew automatically. This means one less thing for you to do — no need to click “renew” in your library account, just enjoy more time with the library items you’ve selected.
How does automatic renewal work?
Three days before your item’s due date, our system will try to automatically renew it. You will receive an email or text letting you know which items were renewed and which items are still almost due. Most items can be renewed up to four times.
Will everything automatically renew?
Most physical items are eligible for automatic renewal. Some exceptions include:
- When another patron is waiting for the item
- There are no renewals remaining
- The item is a bestseller, e-book or digital audiobook
If you have questions about items in your library account, please contact your library for help.