National Library Week 2024
National Library Week 2024

Okay library lovers, National Library Week is almost here! From April 7 to 13, 2024 WCCLS and our member libraries will be celebrating patrons and library workers, and we want you to join us.
WCCLS will be hosting daily giveaways alternating between our social media channels. Follow us on Facebook to enter giveaways on April 9 and 11. Follow us on Instagram to enter giveaways on April 8, 10, and 12. Prizes include tote bags, other WCCLS swag, and gift cards. All prizes are guaranteed to help you show off your love of public libraries.
We also encourage you to show support for your local WCCLS library by following them on social media to keep up with all the fun festivities they may have planned. Check out the locations page to find a library nearest you.
National Library Week is jam packed. Not sure what to celebrate each weekday? See below for a handy list:
Monday, April 8: Right to Read Day
- Borrow something from your local WCCLS library. Browse booklists or check out one of the Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2023 list on
Tuesday, April 9: National Library Workers Day
- Thank a library worker in your life. Email, write a note, or even stop by and thank them in person! You can check your local WCCLS library’s hours here.
Wednesday, April 10: National Library Outreach Day
- Attend an event at your local WCCLS library – in whatever way you can. There are plenty of in-person and online events available. Check out the full Calender of Events.
Thursday, April 11: Take Action for Libraries Day
- Learn more about the current legislation efforts to better protect libraries and the right to read.
Friday, April 12: D.E.A.R. Day
- D.E.A.R. stands for “Drop Everything and Read,” a national month-long celebration of reading. Spend some time reading anywhere you’d like. Listen to an audiobook while you commute, start a book from your TBR, or attend storytime at the library. Carving out some time in your day to read is the best way to celebrate the occasion.
Lastly, be sure to share your love of libraries with someone because doing so helps libraries remain a vital part of the community for years to come.