Improve your English fluency at our English Conversation Club held at the library!
Beaverton City Library Main
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Meeting Rooms
Four study rooms are available in the library and may be reserved online and used without a fee. When rooms are not reserved, use is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Upcoming Events
Beaverton City Library
Test your skills against other Smash Bros. players in our tournament ladder. There will be $20 and $10 Amazon gift cards for first and second place. Grades 6-12.
Beaverton City Library
Welcome to our makerspace, DAM (Design And Make)! During Open Lab hours, the makerspace is open for all ages. Drop in to explore and use any equipment available.
Beaverton City Library
TAPFUSION combines the concepts of postmodern dance with the sounds of tap with the result being a richly percussive, gracefully fluid style. All ages.
Beaverton City Library
Welcome to our makerspace, DAM (Design And Make)! During Open Lab hours, the makerspace is open for all ages. Drop in to explore and use any equipment available.
Beaverton City Library
Acompáñanos a una hora de cuentos en español en familia para niños de 2-6 años. Participa en cuentos, rimas y canciones. Es gratuito!
Beaverton City Library
Welcome to our makerspace, DAM (Design And Make)! During Open Lab hours, the makerspace is open for all ages. Drop in to explore and use any equipment available.
Beaverton City Library
Welcome to our makerspace, DAM (Design And Make)! During Open Lab hours, the makerspace is open for all ages. Drop in to explore and use any equipment available.