Starting Saturday, March 22
Children’s Room | Kids & Families
Tigard Public Library
Starting Saturday, March 22
Children’s Room | Kids & Families
Tigard Public Library
Sunday, March 23 – Sunday, March 30
Children's Room | Kids & Families
Tigard Public Library
March 2 – May 31
Children’s Room | Kids & Families
Beaverton City Library @ Murray Scholls
Drop by the library to discover a veterinary clinic that's just the right size for kids to play with! Closes at 4 PM on March 29. Ages 3-8.
Beaverton City Library @ Murray Scholls
Join us as we celebrate the beginning of spring while making crafts! Grades K-5 with family.
Beaverton City Library
Welcome to our makerspace, DAM (Design And Make)! During Open Lab hours, the makerspace is open for all ages. Drop in to explore and use any equipment available.
Tigard Public Library
Fridays, March 28 & April 11 | 2-4 PM
Puett Room | Kids & Families
Beaverton City Library
Use play dough to help create amazing creatures or a diorama of our Beaverton community. Grades K-5 with family.
Beaverton City Library
Welcome to our makerspace, DAM (Design And Make)! During Open Lab hours, the makerspace is open for all ages. Drop in to explore and use any equipment available.
Hillsboro Brookwood Library
Limited to 15 children, ages 3-5, and their parents and caregivers. Kids with varying learning styles and abilities come together in a safe and supportive environment.
Garden Home Community Library
Every Wednesday and Saturday at 10:00 am, join Garden Home Community Library for a live and in-person storytime. Our books and activities are ideal for kids ages 3-8 and their families.
Hillsboro Shute Park Library
Babies and their grownups are invited to share nursery rhymes, finger plays, songs and a simple book while making new friends and developing early literacy skills. Includes unstructured playtime.
Hillsboro Brookwood Library
Enjoy a kid-paced nature walk around the ponds behind the library. We’ll look for wildlife, signs of the season, and share some stories and songs as we travel.
Forest Grove City Library
A storytime experience for our youngest library users and their caregivers. Enjoy songs, rhymes, wiggles, tickles, and books.
Hillsboro Brookwood Library
Join us as we sing, rhyme, share simple stories, and enjoy movement activities in this storytime, specially designed for new walkers and their grownups. Includes unstructured playtime.
Tigard Public Library
Mondays | 10:15 and 11:15 AM (two sessions)
Tuesdays | 11:15 AM
Thursdays | 11:15 AM
Beaverton City Library
Acompáñanos a una hora de cuentos en español en familia para niños de 2-6 años. Participa en cuentos, rimas y canciones. Es gratuito!
Tualatin Public Library
Calling all babies and their caregivers! Join us for a special lapsit storytime designed specifically for babies. Perfect for ages 0-2 years. Held in the Community Room.
Beaverton City Library
Welcome to our makerspace, DAM (Design And Make)! During Open Lab hours, the makerspace is open for all ages. Drop in to explore and use any equipment available.
Beaverton City Library
Get ready for spring planting by decorating and Mod Podging your own terracotta pot in the Teen Room! All materials provided. Grades 6-12. Registration required.
Beaverton City Library
Neo from The Matrix, Pierce from Watch Dogs, Sombra from Overwatch: all fictional hackers. What if you could be a real one? Cybersecurity is one of the fastest growing industries today.
Beaverton City Library
Welcome to our makerspace, DAM (Design And Make)! During Open Lab hours, the makerspace is open for all ages. Drop in to explore and use any equipment available.
Tualatin Public Library
You kneel down, the familiar ground feeling different somehow. That friendly, home turf is now contested territory. Your squad circles around you, ready for your orders.
West Slope Community Library
Hone your gardening skills this spring with a kit sponsored by the Friends of West Slope Library.
Kit includes:
Tualatin Public Library
Makerspace Open Labs are for anyone who wants to check out the space and use our equipment to make cool things.
Cornelius Public Library
We’re thrilled to be hosting Zumba classes throughout the month of March in our community room, with Latin music dance exercises featuring merengue, salsa, reggaeton and more!