Stories and rhymes served with a heaping side of goofiness, perfect for the whole family! Held in the Community Room.
Community room, conference room, and study room available by reservation.
Tualatin Public Library
Stories and rhymes served with a heaping side of goofiness, perfect for the whole family! Held in the Community Room.
Tualatin Public Library
Join us in the Teen Room for an afternoon of fun and excitement. Enjoy free snacks, compete for exciting prizes, and experience Bingo like never before. This event is free and open to all teens.
Tualatin Public Library
Do you need one-on-one assistance with your tech questions? A trusted guide will give you individual help with electronic devices and digital skills.
Tualatin Public Library
Join us every Wednesday for an informal and relaxed space where you can practice language learning! Gain confidence by learning from others and meet new friends!
Tualatin Public Library
Did you recently have a baby? Do you have questions? Are you feeling all the feelings? Join postpartum doula Krystal Williams for a program of connection and caring for new moms.
Tualatin Public Library
We're having a good 'ol goat-tastic party during Spring Break!
Tualatin Public Library
Makerspace Open Labs are for anyone who wants to check out the space and use our equipment to make cool things.
Tualatin Public Library
You kneel down, the familiar ground feeling different somehow. That friendly, home turf is now contested territory. Your squad circles around you, ready for your orders.